ELM thanks all of our generous donors. Each and every gift - small and large - makes an enormous difference in the lives of our students. We thank you most sincerely!
Maestro Circle
Dennis & Susan Gilardi
Grace Hughes
Kurland Family Foundation
Karen & Dan Dunn
Kristine Ball Fund
Lori Lerner & Terry Berkemeier
Paul Solli Fund
Tiana Wimmer & Warren Leiden
Virtuoso’s Circle
Debra & Kimbel Stuart
Ginnie and Peter Haas Jr.
Kathey Sandler & Amal Moorad
Conductor’s Circle
Bank of Marin
Bob M. Brown Fund
Bob Ellis
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Dannielle McCarthy
Debra Wetherby Fund
Dr. Tom Peters & Ms. Elizabeth Brown
Fred Gellert Family Foundation
Harbor Point Charitable Foundation
Jamie Waters
Jane Robinson
Jessica Green Living Trust
Joan Emery & Eddy Rubin
Kaye Hiatt
Kendall Family Foundation
Madeleine & Scott Sklar
Marin Charitable
Mary Hynes & Marc Tessier-Lavigne
Orchard House Foundation
Sara Sackner & Andy Behar
Sato Family Fund
Susan & Bob Rosenberg
The Hanspal Family Fund
VWLackey & DonS Fund
D'Addario Foundation
Dr. Mitchell Feldman & Dr. Jane Kramer
Kendall Family Foundation
Laurie Cohen Fund
Linden Berry
Martha A. Langston
Nina P. Brandt Fund
Sally & Steve Schroeder
The Patty and Jack Wright Foundation
Concert Masters
Section Leaders
Amy & Seth Barad
Andrea Bruno & Jonathan Epstein
Andrew F. and Ann B. Mathieson Fund
Augusta Talbot
Barbara Axelband
Bob Stafford for Sing For America Foundation
Bill Graham Foundation
Cameron Hunter
Capital Group Charitable Giving Program
Catherine & Ned Heagerty
Catherine & Robert Lenz
Cathy & Sandy Dean
Charmaine Chow & Saul Peña
Cheryl & Richard Brandon
Claudia and George Lang
Darla & Jon Fisher
Deanne Stone
Diane & Bob Wagner
Doris Hunker & Nancy Schlegel
Elizabeth & Martin Sleath
Elizabeth & Michael Mooney
Elizabeth Castro Greenberg & Ronny Michael Greenberg
Fareday Hemingway & Geoffrey Fletcher
Fenwick Foundation
Gabrielle Tierney & Eric Bindelglass
Hagar Family Foundation
Jenna Robinson
Jennie Martzloff & Gary Ruff
Joanie Levinsohn
Jen Ritchey Fund for Marin
Karen & Mark Hein
Karen Rosenquist & Matthew Kropp
Kathlyn & Arno Masneri
Kirsten Schlenger & Roy Ruderman
Laura & Barry Miller
Laura Roebuck & William Meehan
Linda Deegan
Liz Etkin-Kramer & Peter Kramer
Lois Tilles
Lotus Blossom Fund
Lynn Harrison and Barbara Hazard
Lynn Roy
Margot Golding
Marin Luxury Cars
Marsha & Tom Dugan
Mary Fleming & George Khouri
Monica Bonny & Michael Perigo
Nancy Levinsohn
One Percent for Education
Paula Tevis
Paula Zand & Lesley Anderson
Peter Jaret & Steven Peterson
Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin Fund
Rob Cromwell
Robert Goldman
Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor
Sandra Yoffie
Stephanie & Martin McNally
Steve Beecroft
Susan and Rich Perlstein
Susan York Charitable Fund
Suzanne & David Warner
Terry Bright & Tom Wilson
The Griffiths Family Charitable Fund
The Karen & Chris Leech Charitable Fund
The Klebanoff-Cohen Fund
Trigg & William McLeod
William Kerr
Yoshiko & Josh Adler
Zvi Danenberg
Friends of ELM
Alison Davis
Alison Graham & Richard Messina
Bridget & Stephen Minutoli
Catherine & Ned Heagerty
Cheryl Goodrich & Stuart Klein
Deborah & Thomas Feo
Elaine Reichert
Eli Gelardin
Elizabeth and Wesley Kinnear
Eric Marcus
Gail & David Perin
Gerard Buulong & Fred Silverman
Janice Chow & Allen Ng
Jean Gleason Stromberg & Kurt Stromberg
Joyce & Robert Sanders
Kwei Ü (In memory of Michele Ü)
Lisa Canin & Robert Hoffman
Liz & Doug Chiang
Liza Kramer & Michael Golinkoff
Lucinda Katz
Lynn Signorelli
Marcia Taylor & Charles Runkel
McCullough for City Council 2015
Meredith & Noah Griffin
Monica & Scot Stafford
Saori & Michael Kappus S
haron & Jonathan Kahn Sharon & Randall Faccinto Silk Road Teas Suzuki Cady Tod Brody
Andrea & Richard Triolo
Cpi Developers
Elizabeth Horevitz
Good Earth Natural Foods
Jay Dicker
Jon Marchant
Kathy Franks
Trent Davidson
10,000 Degrees
Agricultural Institute of Marin
Anthony’s Woodwind Corner
Branson High School
Cazadero Music Camp
Call of the Sea
Canal Alliance
Deer Hill Foundation
Dolce Violins
El Sistema USA
Giving Marin Community Partners
Marin Independent Journal
Marin Promise
Multicultural Center of Marin
Next Generation Scholars
Novato Unified School District
Redwood High School
San Francisco Chamber Orchestra
San Rafael City Schools
Sea Trek
Tim Porter Photography
And Donors Like YOU…
Please note: This report is updated on a quarterly basis and reflects the previous twelve months of giving.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Development Director, Andrea Lloyd.
ELM provides youth with an immersive music education that empowers them to pursue their dreams and access resources they need to succeed in life.
ELM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our Tax ID is 46-3586448.