Over the past 10 years, Enriching Lives through Music, fondly known as elm, has grown into a vibrant, award-winning, non-profit community school of instrumental and orchestral music. Located in the heart of the Canal neighborhood in San Rafael, California, we provide tuition-free, instrumental and ensemble music programs for children who start in 3rd grade and continue through high school. We are especially proud that students who complete our program head to college as confident young adults, ready to pursue their dreams.
Our Current Facilities
We are located at a lovely, but too small, building in the Canal, in addition to holding classes on campuses in the San Rafael City School District. We aspire to unify our program under one roof and have big dreams. In addition to expanding our programs and instruments offered, we plan to increase enrollment from 150 to 250 students, which is only possible if we move to a larger permanent home. We are also excited about developing a Latin track to parallel our orchestral one.
What We Are Looking for in East San Rafael
8,000 -10,000sq ft building, which we would renovate for our program or
Buildable land for 10,000 sq ft structure, outdoor space, and parking
ELM’S New Home
We envision a place for music and community in a beautifully designed environment where youth from the Canal neighborhood, their families, and the community study music, play in orchestras, practice their instruments, and mentor and are mentored in music and academics. Our new facility will feature:
• Multi-purpose recital and performance hall
• Classrooms and practice spaces with dedicated pianos
• Space for tutoring and academic support
• Quiet areas for study and homework
• Instrument storage
• Administrative offices
How You Can Help
If you know of a building or buildable land in east San Rafael that might be appropriate for our new home, please reach out.